Breaking News

The Government Communication Service prepares statements, media notes, reminders, agendas and makes them accessible to media institutions and the public.

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Madaxa Xafiiska Isgaarsiinta ee Magaalada Maya, Mr. Fu’aad Jemal, ayaa furay website-ka xafiiska.

mudane Alamayo Taddese madaxa xafiiska xisbiga barwaaqada ee magaalada Maya.

Shirweynaha Ururka Haweenka ayaa ka socda magaalada Cadceelle.

Dib u eegistii Waxqabadka 2015 iyo Qorshaha xamaasadda 2016 ee Xisbiga iyo Xukuumadda oo labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ka socday degmooyinka Awwadaay, Caddeelle iyo Haramaaya ee magaalada Maya ayaa la soo gebagebeeyey.

Mahamad Usman waa madaxa laanta siyaasadda ee xisbiga barwaaqada ee magaalada Maya

Dino Amiin, ku xigeenka duqa magaalada Maya

Mullataa bushra Abrahaam waxa uu u xilsaaran yahay qaybta dhismaha ee Xisbiga Barwaaqada Maya

Dr. Efrah Wazir Oo Daah Furay Mashaariicda Magaalada Maya.

Madaxa Xafiiska Xisbiga Badhaadhina ee Magaalada Maya Mudane

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Our Objectives

The Maya City Communication service shall have the following objectives:

Maya City Communication

To become a government spokesperson and to play a leading role on the government's strategic information and communication system;

Maya City Communication

To create agendas on government policies, programs and plans and create efficient information communication system to address the whole public and to increase peoples participation

Maya City Communication

To ensure information effective and fast flow of and communication system b/n the government organs, the media & stakeholders. facilitate the creation of equal opportunities for peoples and sectors of the society in accessing government information.

Maya City Communication

To give strategic leadership by maintaining an efficient and effective communication and information system based on government policies and programs to create national unity and consensus, to develop patriotism and to strengthen democratic culture.

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