Maya City Mayors Office

Maya City Mayor Office

Cluster follows its procedures by evaluating work every two weeks at committee level, monthly with sectors and quarterly work evaluation , without any interruption and strict discipline o Sectors keep monthly performance reports for the bureau on time o Conduct supervision at the office level and identify deficiencies in executive capacity and strength and conduct support activities

Maya City Mayors Office

Dr.Efrah Wazir Maya City Mayor

Magaalaa Maayaa magaalootaa bulchiinsa Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa jala jiran keessaa isa tokko dha.Akka Magaalaa kanaatti omishi jimaa ,kudura fi muduraa bal’inaan oomshuun gabaa biyya keessa fi biyyootaa alaatif dhiyyeessun gidugala daldala tahun baha oromiyaatti siyaas-diinagdee guddachaa dhufe jira.

Pricing Plan



  • Ashaaraa Magariisa
  • Suphaa Daandii
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support



  • 1GB Storage
  • 1 Web Hosting
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support



  • 1GB Storage
  • 1 Web Hosting
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support



  • Ashaaraa Magariisa
  • Suphaa Daandii
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support



  • 1GB Storage
  • 1 Web Hosting
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support



  • 1GB Storage
  • 1 Web Hosting
  • 20GB Bandwith
  • 5 Subdomain
  • SSD Server
  • Free SSL
  • 24/7 Support