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Insurgency is anti-security

Insurgent attitudes and actions are obstacles to national security and development as well as anti-people’s coexistence.
Insurgency is a serious disease that destroys brotherly relations and unity of citizens, destabilizes the peace and coexistence of citizens and leads the country to destruction.
The disease of insurgency is a trigger for conflict. It is anti-life that delays mutual respect between peoples and religions, delays the development and economy of the country and hinders the building of democracy and the journey of prosperity.
The mission of the insurgents is to deprive the country of peace and to achieve their goals by suppressing unity, equality and freedom of citizens by destroying pluralism and realizing their unique vision.
Ethiopia is a country of ethnic umbrella and adorned with diversity of cultures, religions, identities and others and is on the path of change.
The journey we have started to make poverty history by realizing universal prosperity can only be achieved by promoting true unity and brotherhood and increasing citizen participation participation is the expected role of every citizen.

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